Cash Transfer Compensation Approved by the Parliament, Government to Raise Subsidized Fuel Price

“We are waiting for the decision regarding the compensation. It is the government domain to raise the fuel price. As for the compensation, it should be through State Budget Revision 2013,” said Minister of EMR, Jero Wacik, after his speech in Indonesia Chief Editor Summit in Nusa Dua Bali on Thursday (13/6).


Wacik explained that after being agreed by the Parliament, the administration process will take several days before the government is able to raise the subsidized fuel price. People are requested to be calm in facing the subsidized fuel price rise as the government has prepared everything.


“People do not need to wait for the rise. There is no difference whether it will be on 19 or 23 of June. Do not need to be strained. The government has prepared everything until the details, “Wacik added.


The compensation is very essential since the subsidized fuel price rise will trigger inflation that will burden people, especially the poor.

The subsidized fuel price rise should be conducted to save the long term national economy. It is not intended to burden the people.

“No leader wishes to burden its people. All presidents in Indonesia ever raise the fuel price,” Wacik stated. (Asih)


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